Fabrication of Multifunctional Inorganic Hybrid Nanostructures

▶Anisotropic multimetallic nanomaterials with controllable composition, crystal orientation, and defect
▶Atomically-dispersed metal catalysts on 2D nanostructures for improved catalytic performance
▶Multinary metal chalcogenides via cation exchange
▶Development of metal-organic framework (MOF) nanoparticles and MOF-derived multinary inorganic nanocomposites
▶Development of highly porous multifunctional nanocarriers with customized properties
Heterogeneous Nanomaterials for Photo/Electrochemical catalysis

▶Establishing fundamental understanding on active interfaces in hybrid nanostructures, such as metal/metal, oxide/metal, and oxide/oxide junctions
▶Knowledge-based design and controlled synthesis of highly efficient and robust OER and HER photo/electro-catalysts for next-generation energy storage and conversion systems.
▶Nanocatalysts deposited on 3D conductive supports for improved electrochemical performances
▶Photon-induced water splitting based on metal/semiconductor junctions
Coordination Polymer Based Hybrid Materials for Effective Catalysis

▶Development of hybrid nanomaterials with customized configurations as efficient catalysts because they perform not only inherit characteristic properties of each individuals but also exhibit unique synergistic properties.
▶Fabrication of hybrid nanomaterials via “nanospace engineering” by growth of nano metal-organic framework on multi-functional nanosupport for improved catalytic performances
▶Develoment of metal-organic framework-based single atom catalysts for enhanced energy-related applications
Multilevel Coordination-Driven Assembly and Metallosupramolecules with Structural Hierarchy

▶Design of hierarchical metallosupramolecules (Superb-Molecules)
▶Construction of higher-order molecular platforms through Multilevel Assembly Approach
▶Establishment of a molecular cage library with target-orientated functionality
▶Systematic proliferation and implementation of supramolecular building units for the construction of higher-order molecular platforms
▶Study on biomimetics, gas separation, and catalytic applications of multiple hierarchical structures